Digital X-ray and Scanning
Wong Dentistry is your cutting-edge and state-of-the-art dental office in Castro Valley. We utilize advanced dental technology to ensure the best diagnosis and treatment plans for our patients
Dr. Wong has equipped our office with The Primescan by Dentsply Sirona. Primescan is a digital intraoral scanner and one of the more advanced scanners available and has changed the way many dental professionals work. Here's a rundown of its features and benefits:
High Precision and Detail: Primescan captures extremely detailed and high-resolution scans of the dental anatomy. This allows for more accurate and predictable outcomes, especially when it comes to treatments like dental implants, orthodontics, and restorations.
Speed: Compared to its predecessors and many other scanners in the market, Primescan is known for its rapid scanning capability. This means less chair time for patients and quicker turnaround for dental professionals.
Color Scanning: Primescan produces full-color scans, making it easier to distinguish between different tissues and structures in the mouth. This can be especially beneficial for treatment planning and patient communication.
Portability: The device is designed to be mobile and is adaptable to different practice settings, from dental offices to clinics and hospitals.
Your Digital Dentist in Castro Valley
For Dr. Wong and the dental team at Wong Dentistry, Primescan represents a significant advancement in digital dentistry. It provides Dr. Wong with a tool that is not only faster and more accurate but provides the detail needed to provide you with the dental care you deserve.